food safety training

Food Safety Training Course is required to be completed by 25% of food handlers (wait staff, bartenders, cooks, deli workers and dishwashers) on duty at any given time. The course covers the basics of safe food handling, dangers of food borne illness, personal health & hygiene, and temperature control. The course will cover all aspects of safe food handling in order to comply with the requirements of the Missouri Food Code. Both classroom and online courses are available. 

Classroom Food Safety Training Course

This training course is offered in our office. Fee is $10.00. Certification is for 2 years.

Registration is required. Call 660-747-6121 x 258 to register. Class will be cancelled if no more than 5 people are registered for a class.

If you have a current certification or it has expired within the last 60 days, you are eligible to take the renewal test only and skip the class.

Online Food Safety Training Course

Online Food Safety Training Courses are now available for Food Handlers and Managers. The Food Handler course is available in English, Spanish, Korean, Vietnamese, and Mandarin.

  • Basic Food Handler Training and Exam – $20.99
  • Manager Certification:
  • Training & Exam - $86 (does not include Proctor Fee)
  • Training only - $70
  • Exam only – $28.00 (does not include Proctor Fee) Food Handler Permit Online Course Food Protection Manager Certification Training Course

ServSafe® Food Protection Manager Certification Examination Proctoring

In addition to the Basic Food Safety Training Course, we also offer the ServSafe® Food Protection Manager Certification Examination Proctoring. This is a nationally accredited course required by many restaurants prior to promotion to a management position. Participants must read the textbook ServSafe® Manager 7th Edition thoroughly prior to classThis is the proctoring only. No class will be conducted.

Fee: $50.00 Exam Proctoring

For any questions or concerns about food safety training, please contact Environmental Health directly at (660) 747-6121, ext. 258.

A woman is handing a plate of food to a girl at a food truck.
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