The Johnson County Environmental Health Program's goals are to assess, control, remediate, and prevent harmful factors in the environment through education, regulation, and enforcement.

Environmental Health Program includes services and resources relating to sanitation and safety inspections of food establishments, childcare facilities, and lodging establishments. Additionally, it includes oversight of onsite wastewater treatment system construction and technical assistance for all environmental public health concerns.

johnson county Food establishment Inspections

To view recent inspections, click HERE.

Food Establishments

The Environmental Health Protection Section is responsible for permitting and inspecting all food establishments within the jurisdiction of Johnson County.

Onsite Sewage

Treatment and disposal systems under 3,000 gallons are permitted and inspected by the Environmental Health Program.

To Apply and Pay for Permits Online

To apply for a food service or onsite sewage system permit, click HERE.

Lodging Inspections

Childcare Inspections

Drinking Water

To Report a Concern

Food Complaint

Sewage Complaint

A buffet line with carrots and broccoli on it
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